Thursday, March 29, 2007

Casts are not for me!

This cast is driving me insane! I almost cut it off at work Tuesday night. One of the guys has broken both arms twice each and says he is great at taking off casts with a dremmel tool. I haven't done it yet, but I can tell you it is lurking in the back of my mind! I asked the P.A. to give me a splint instead and he said he didn't think that would do it...only because he didn't think I'd wear it! Ahhh, the hazards of going to the same doctor for a long time...they get to know you toooooooo well!

I stitched some last night at work on my last piece of the leporello but it was so busy I didn't get to finish. Hopefully tonight I will be able to finally finish it!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pompeii is here!

I got a happy in the mail and email today. I finally got accepted into the group for Pompeii and my supplies for it also came in the mail today. I'm going to take it with me to work and slobber over it!

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Don't Climb in your Sock Feet!

This is what happens when you climb in your sock least when you are over forty! Oh well, it could have been worse. It is definitely a break in my radial bone near the wrist, and my carpals were smushed into the radial bone as well. So, a cast it is! Since I have a wedding in two weeks and my outfit I just bought is green, I went with the green cast. I haven't gotten to try stitching with it yet, hopefully I will get some stitching time in tonight at work since I'm stuck on the desk in the office.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Not everything posted here should be shared at the LNS. I have two stitching worlds, one at the LNS and one in cyberspace. Very few of the people in each of those worlds repeat and if these worlds collide it will be the end of independent Theresa (only those that watched Seinfeld will get that)! Anyway, if you are a "double-friend" and want to talk about something posted here that doesn't involve the store, please do it away from the LNS!

I had planned on finishing the last big part of the leporello today but forgot about our sampler group meeting tonight. I have been working on that blasted Christmas tree from the Victoria Sampler Christmas Heritage piece. It is very tedious! It doesn't look like I'm going to finish the tree before the meeting so maybe I will count down and begin working on the next band at the LNS. The tree is too difficult to do without utter silence!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Some "real" photos of Pompeii

Check out this pic of a stitcher's progress on Pompeii and a link to her blog

Monday, March 19, 2007


I don't know what I was thinking, but I just ordered the complete chartpack and joined the group for "Pompeii Garden" by Chaitelaine! I just couldn't help myself. I think I have now completely lost my grip on reality. I have so many other things I need to finish. I think I may need professional help!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Nice Friday night!

Friday night was a very nice evening. I had driving school during the day so I had the odd Friday night off (I work every Friday normally). I went out to eat with friends and then had them and another friend over for some stitching at my house. We had a really good time, got some stitching done, quelled some rumors, started some others, and vented a lot! It was a really fun evening and we will have to do it more often!

I have gotten a decent bit done on the last big Leporello piece. The last piece I did wasn't hard, I just struggled because I just wasn't "feeling" it! But the end is near, I can see light at the end of the tunnel, so I'm being a good troop and marching on!

Sunday, March 11, 2007


Thank God in His heaven and all the angels and the saints, I've finished part 7 of the leporello. As usual, it turned out very pretty but I just really struggled with this one. Anyway, only two pieces left and it will be done! In the meantime, while I was struggling, I managed to make these two Mill Hill pin pillows. I think they are so cool and they weren't difficult. I'm thinking about designing an LSU one and having a little class at the LNS. We shall see!

Friday, March 9, 2007

No fun stitching for me!

I swore on Tuesday night that I was going to finish part seven of the leporello and I just couldn't do it. I'm so tired of working on it that I couldn't bring myself to finish! All I have left on that part is a little bit of backstitching on the vines and the beads. Maybe I will be able to finish it this weekend.

I got the wedding sampler back from the framer and the saga continues. It was supposed to be double-matted and it wasn't. No problem you think, just take it back and have her add the other mat. Well, there is filet in the inner frame and it has been discontinued. We thought we would have to go find another to match the frame but luckily she had just enough to fix it. I'll be glad when this thing is over!

Monday, March 5, 2007


I have had a toothache for a couple of days and haven't done anything but go to work and read on the computer. Seems like every time I get in the groove with my eating right and working out something throws me off track! Pretty hard to run when your whole face hurts! I'm going to the gym this evening though and at least do some weights before work. I didn't get into the dentist today so hopefully tomorrow they can fix my face!

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Catastrophe Avoided!

I got a phone call this afternoon that could have been a catastrophe! Well, a stitching catastrophe anyway. The wedding sampler I did for "Taylor and Trisha" (see post below) had a spelling problem...the bride spells her name "Tricia"! We took it to the framer over two weeks ago and so I just knew it would be too late to catch her. Luckily, I called and she said that she was taking it home tonight to begin putting it on the board. How lucky was that!?! So, needless to say, I went straight over there, picked it up, fixed it, and brought it back before closing time. WHEW!!